About Tahor App
We want to ensure that even women who cannot or do not ask questions have the access and ability to ask their questions anonymously and can quickly and comfortably receive the answers they need. Therefore, we’ve assembled a great team, including the creator of MikvahCalender.com, an attorney, and a social worker, to develop Tahor app and help women keep Taharat Hamishpacha with the calm and comfort this beautiful mitzvah deserves.
What Tahor app is:
The majority of Bedikah questions which Rabbonim receive are quite straightforward and their colors are easily discernible. In these circumstances, it is very easy to make a psak from a picture. Tahor app serves as a halachically approved “filter” for a majority of these Shailos. It is meant to allow those who may not have access to a rov, or who may not feel comfortable going to a rov, to have an option, when halachically viable, to send in their sample anonymously.
In the event the responding Rav cannot easily determine from the picture whether the stain is pure or not, he will instruct the user to bring their Bedika to a Rav.
What Tahor app is not:
Tahor app IS NOT meant to be an umbrella replacement for the process of showing questionable Bedikah cloths to Rabbonim.
Based on our testing with Rabbonim, when a picture is taken following the app’s instructions, the Rabbonim were able to determine when the question was simple enough to pasken or when they needed to instruct the user to bring the question to a Rav in person using the preset response stating, “Please bring your cloth to your Rav.” Tahor app’s lighting threshold, advanced white balance technology, and other Rabbinic measurement capabilities assisted in that determination.
The Team
Rivkah Bloom, M.Eng.
Rivkah Bloom earned her Bachelors of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and her Masters of Computer Science from MIT. She was a research assistant at the Laboratory for Computer Science at MIT where she wrote her thesis on ad-hoc mobile routing. Rivkah is the founder of MikvahCalendar.com and co-founder of Tahor App and in her free time, she loves spending time outdoors with her husband and children.
Yitzhak Levin, Esq.
Yitzhak Levin earned his Juris Doctor from George Mason University School of Law and received his Smicha from Yeshivas Bais Menachem in Flatbush, NY. Prior to completing his Smicha, Yitz spent a year in Brazil teaching Yeshiva students and creating programs for the Jewish Community. As a newlywed husband, and being uncomfortable with the drop-off process, Yitz conceived of Tahor App with the belief that Tahor will enable thousands of people to keep Taharat Hamishpacha. Yitz is a practicing attorney, designer and co-founder of Tahor App.
Zisa Levin, MSW
Zisa Levin earned her Bachelors of Arts from Hebrew Theological College and Masters Degree in Social Work from Yeshiva University Wurzweiler School of Social Work. Zisa is the co-founder of Tahor App and the Director of Yehi Ohr at Jewish Community Services of South Florida where she brings mental health services to Miami’s frum community. Additionally, Zisa developed sex abuse prevention education for thousands of South Florida’s students, parents and school staff, and she is currently launching Marriage Bootcamp: A skill-based program for young women to learn How To Be Married.

What People Are Saying
“5,000 years and the ingenuity of a newlywed couple to create a ‘pure and simple’ solution. I’m thrilled for my daughters and their daughters that embarrassment and shame need never be associated with the beautiful and uplifting ritual of Niddah again.” – LR
“I was so excited to hear about the Tahor App because it provides an uncomfortable and vulnerable mitzvah with anonymity and sensitivity. I love that there are no awkward phone calls, embarrassing dashes to mail boxes or the anxiety of having to ask a question. Thank you for providing a service that not only is easy to use, but allows Jewish women to protect the beauty of the mitzvah and their self respect at the same time.” – NL
“I would have appreciated Tahor App when I was in that stage of my life. Not raised in this tradition, with a far less than supportive spouse, Tahor would have provided me with the anonymity and comfort that I desired, and the question answered in a very timely manner. I commend, support and applaud the founders of Tahor.” – DA