Our Rabbinical Team
Sending bedikah cloths to a Rav can be stressful, impossible or embarrassing while responses often come later than desired. Tahor App was created with the help of prominent Rabbonim to alleviate this discomfort in a unique and innovative way.
Tahor has assembled a select group of Rabbonim from all different parts of the Orthodox Jewish world who specialize in Taharat Hamishpacha, ensuring that anyone can feel comfortable using the Tahor App.
Women can now anonymously send pictures of Bedikah questions to a Rabbi and, if the picture is clear enough for the Rav to make a psak, receive an answer from that Rav within a short period of time. Please view our FAQ page for questions about usage, visit our Become A Tahor Rabbi page for how your Rabbi can join, and read more below to learn more about our highly respected, expert team.

Rabbi K. Auman
Rabbi Auman is the former president of the Rabbinical Council of America and served as the president of the Vaad Harabonim of Flatbush. Currently, Rabbi Auman serves as the Dean of the Yoatzot Halacha Program in the United States and is the Rabbi of the Young Israel of Flatbush, a position he’s held for the past 30 years. Rabbi Auman earned his Smicha and Masters Degree in Jewish History from Yeshiva University. Additionally, Rabbi Auman is an adjuct professor of Jewish Studies at Stern College. He established the Kehillah Kashrus Rabbinical Board, served as Rabbinic advisor to the Get Organization and has played an important role in maintaining the Flatbush Eruv.

Rabbi E. Davis
Rabbi Davis received Smicha from Yeshiva University where he studied under Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik z”l. Rabbi Davis graduated with a BA in Mathematics and an MS in Jewish History from Yeshiva University. Rabbi Davis is the Morah D’asrah at the Young Israel of Hollywood, FL and a leader of Kashrus in South Florida while founding the ORB Hashgacha.

Rabbi Ariel Edry
Rabbi Edry received his Smicha from Talmudic University where he studied under Harav Yochanan Zweig, Shlit”a. Shortly before receiving Smicha, Rabbi Edry graduated with a Bachelors in Talmudic Law from Talmudic University where he continued to study until receiving both a Masters and Doctorate degree in Jewish Education. After serving as a Rabbi for the Yeshiva in Miami, Rabbi Edry founded and serves as the Rabbi at Shorashim, a shul focused on Kiruv specifically among young, Jewish professionals.

Rabbi D. Bixon
Rabbi Bixon received his Smicha from Yeshiva University’s RIETS (Rabbi Isaac Elchanon Theological Seminary) and his undergraduate degree from Yeshiva College. Rabbi Bixon has been dedicated to the Miami Beach, Florida community’s spiritual and physical growth as the Rabbi of Beth Israel for over 20 years.

What People Are Saying
“5,000 years and the ingenuity of a newlywed couple to create a ‘pure and simple’ solution. I’m thrilled for my daughters and their daughters that embarrassment and shame need never be associated with the beautiful and uplifting ritual of Niddah again.” – LR
“I was so excited to hear about the Tahor App because it provides an uncomfortable and vulnerable mitzvah with anonymity and sensitivity. I love that there are no awkward phone calls, embarrassing dashes to mail boxes or the anxiety of having to ask a question. Thank you for providing a service that not only is easy to use, but allows Jewish women to protect the beauty of the mitzvah and their self respect at the same time.” – Anonymous
“I would have appreciated Tahor App when I was in that stage of my life. Not raised in this tradition, with a far less than supportive spouse, Tahor would have provided me with the anonymity and comfort that I desired, and the question answered in a very timely manner. I commend, support and applaud the founders of Tahor.” – DA